Illustrator Fundamentals X T-Shirt Flats

Sale price Price $2,997.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

The ILLUSTRATOR FAST-TRACK COURSE for fashion designers...


Your mission is to master the basics of Adobe Illustrator by designing and drawing industry-standard T-shirt "flat" sketches in 7 weeks or less.

Course Title: Illustrator Fundamentals X T-Shirt Flats

Course Level: Basic

This course is for fashion creatives who have little or no prior Adobe Illustrator experience.

Cost Per Student: $2,997

Duration: 6—7 weeks

Class Meetings Per Week: 1

Dates:  Email for details

Aftercare Support: Email support for 1 month following the class.


Course Content:

1: Understanding Illustrator—discover how to work with vector graphics

Learn the tricks to getting around in Illustrator, so you won’t waste time or feel overwhelmed.

2: Flat Sketching—get the fashion industry-standard protocols

Understand how garment flats are constructed, labeled, and rendered according to the exacting standards demanded in the industry. 

3: Concept Development—find fresh ideas for fit and design 

You will learn how fashion designers tap into their unique creative talent and use future trends by designing a one-of-a-kind T-shirt. 

4: Drawing in Illustrator—master these essential tools and techniques

The Pen Tool is the most challenging but important tool for doing what fashion designers do in Illustrator-present their designs in the form of flat sketches. In this module, we accelerate the learning curve so you will automatically begin using the Pen Tool at a more advanced level (which even some professionals haven’t quite grasped!) At the end of this module, you will already be ahead of the game! 

5: Fabric and Color—learn how to communicate your ideas

No flats make sense without fabric and color information—learn how to effectively render in color and relay your true design vision.

6: Brushes—easily create reusable stitches and trims

Knowing how to create custom brushes will save you hours of time in the future and give you the freedom to better express your creative ideas.

7: Repeating Patterns—create your own custom all-over prints

Use this incredibly powerful function to design and render patterns.

8: Layout and Delivery—present and professionally deliver digital projects.

Learn how to use the elements and principles of design to cleverly display your work on a portfolio page, so it will stand out from the crowd.



Q: How many students are there per class?

A: 1-10 students for Masterclasses; 2-20 students for all other classes.


Q: How many times do we meet per week?

A: There is one mandatory weekly review meeting for all classes.


Q: How long is each meeting?

A: All meetings are 60-90 minutes long.


Q: Where do we meet?

A: We meet in a private Zoom meeting room.


Q: What time are the meetings?

A: The class times will be tailored to suit the participants. In the week before the class begins, all participants will be asked to submit three preferred time slots, and we will make every effort to accommodate everyone.


Q: How are the lessons and demonstrations delivered?

A: Some content will be delivered via short, pre-recorded video tutorials accompanied by written instructions. Some content will be provided via live demonstration and discussion.


Q: What is the estimated time commitment in addition to the weekly meetings?

A: 3—10 hours a week.


Q: For Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator classes, is the software included in the price of the course?

A: No, you will buy a subscription to the software directly from Adobe. It costs around $19.99 to $59.99 per month depending on the options you choose. Adobe offers first-time customers a free trial period.


Q: Do you offer any aftercare support?

A: Yes, all classes include one month of aftercare support via email.


Q: Who is Design Your Line Fashion Lab?

A: Design Your Line Fashion Lab is owned and operated by Hunter Publishing, a California corporation serving the fashion education community since 2007.


Q: Who will be the instructor?

A: The owner of Hunter Publishing Corporation, Victoria Hunter, creates and teaches the classes. She is an award-winning instructor who has taught design, Photoshop, and Illustrator skills to over 3,500 Associate of Arts students and private clients.


Q: What name will appear on my billing statement?

A: Hunter Publishing Corporation is the name that will appear on your billing statement.